Circle acquired USYC issuer Hashnote for a total market capitalization of $1.30 billion. Circle also announced an agreement with DRW-owned cryptocurrency trading firm and market maker Cumberland to provide liquidity and facilitate settlement for USDC and USYC. The partnership aims to expand USYC as a form of collateral for exchanges and custody platforms.
Hashnote, a digital asset management company, announced a partnership with Paxos to promote a "two-way atomic settlement process" that allows for real-time conversion between revenue generating USYC tokens and PayPal stablecoins. Hashnote CEO Leo Mizuhara stated that being able to mint and exchange coins in real-time between PYUSD and USYC not only enhances liquidity, but also puts all stakeholders at the forefront of revenue generation in the digital asset field. Data shows that the market valu...
数字资产管理公司 Hashnote 宣布将与 Paxos 合作,促进“双向原子结算流程”,允许产生收益的 USYC 代币和 PayPal 的稳定币之间进行即时转换。Hashnote 首席执行官 Leo Mizuhara 表示,能够在 PYUSD 和 USYC 之间即时铸币和兑换,不仅增强了流动性,而且使所有利益相关者处于数字资产领域收益生成的最前沿。数据显示,PYUSD 的市值在今年年初超过了 3 亿美元,但在 3 月份大幅缩水。(TheBlo...